Friday 24 February 2017

Poster Design Tutorial

Poster Designs 


1. create a new document size w - 2259 px & H- 3237 px  and fill black color . the background image and change the hue/saturation settigns use Colorize mode & - Hue: 220 , Saturation : 49, Lightness : 0 hit ok .

3. By using this flare with gaussian blur in bottom side  with layer mask with opacity 40 % and remove the upper side by the brush .

4.use the star effect png file.

5. place the speaker png in both side and change the image → adjustment→color balance → midtones → -31, - 2 , +56 

6. change the image → adjustment→channel mixer → blue→ +5 , +11 , +99 

7. use the ball png and place using the transform tool (ctrl+t) .

8. make a triangle using shape tool and put the object image as shown in poster using layer mask remove the extra portion of image . Now color balance→ cliping mask → -33 , +4 , +36 .
 change the channel mixer → cliping mask → 
 red→ +92 , 0 , +5 
 green→ -2 ,+101, 0
 blue→ +9 , +18 , +97 
make the shadow of the triangle using the soft brush .

9. click on the object image with ctrl and using the soft brush on the outer side of the image with color blue in color dodge mode .

10. Now , place the light flare in screen mode on the object both sides .

11. place the smoke effect on the bottom side with screen mode + opacity 14% and place the people png in multiple mode + opacity 8% .

12. press ctrl+shift+alt+E and merge the file .

13. use the channel mixer → blue →  0 , 0 , 110 
                 color balance → midtones→ +2 , +2 , +4
14. final write your text and use the flare in screen mode .

T H A N K Y O U . 

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